My Son Was Arrested in Illinois: What Are the Consequences?

My Son Was Arrested in Illinois: What Are the Consequences?

As parents, we want the best for our children, nurturing and guiding them from an early age. No parent wants to get a call from the police that their child has been arrested and charged with a crime, but some do.

If your child is arrested, what consequences could he face? Could he be tried as an adult? Do you need a juvenile crimes attorney? An experienced lawyer from Fotopoulos Law Office can investigate his charges and develop a strong criminal defense strategy to achieve the most favorable possible resolution to his case. Call today to schedule your free consultation.

What Factors Can Affect My Son’s Case?

If arrested, your son will face a misdemeanor or felony charge, depending on the nature of the alleged crime. His age, previous criminal behaviors, mental capacity and maturity level, and the type of offense can determine whether he is charged as a minor or an adult. Common juvenile offenses in Chicagoland include:

  • Vandalism
  • Petty theft
  • Assault
  • Criminal trespass
  • Drinking and driving
  • Carjacking
  • Drug-related offenses

Older teens charged with aggravated battery with a firearm, murder, or sexual assault are automatically considered adults. For teens under 16, there is still a possibility they will be charged as adults for felony offenses.

You may think that because your son is underage, he will be treated more leniently. While that is sometimes true, minors often face similar consequences as adults if convicted of a crime. At Fotopoulos Law Office, we do not want a false accusation or poor judgment to jeopardize your child’s future. We will aggressively protect his rights and work toward a favorable outcome with the fewest possible consequences.

What Consequences Can Juveniles Face If Convicted in Illinois?

The nature of the alleged crime and whether the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony can determine the repercussions of a conviction. For instance, if your son is convicted of a sex crime, he may be added to the Illinois sex offender registry and have to provide a DNA sample for the state’s database. This consequence can haunt him for the rest of his life, potentially affecting his ability to find a job or housing.

Juvenile offenders may also be unable to work in law enforcement or other government positions, including the military. College applications might also require him to disclose his conviction.

Many times, a first arrest convinces juveniles not to repeat their behaviors. Support from parents and your attorney is vital. At Fotopoulos Law Office, we believe that juveniles deserve a second chance, and we will do everything we can to give them that opportunity.

Call Our Aggressive Orland Park, IL Juvenile Crimes Defense Lawyer Today

Do not trust just any attorney with your son’s future. Instead, choose an effective lawyer from Fotopoulos Law Office who has the experience, skills, and track record of handling juvenile crime cases successfully. Call us at 708-942-8400 now for your initial consultation with our dedicated Will County, IL criminal defense attorney.

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