Entries by Fotopoulos Law Office

The Importance of Accident Reconstructionists in Chicago Truck Accident Cases

Picture a massive 18-wheeler jackknifing on a Chicago highway during the middle of rush hour, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake and lives forever changed. In the aftermath, accident reconstructionists become the unsung heroes, using cutting-edge technology and expertise to unravel the complex factors leading to commercial trucking accidents. These forensic engineers and […]

How Distracted Driving Increases the Risk of Motorcycle Accidents in Illinois

The open road offers motorcyclists an unparalleled thrill, but distracted driving poses a growing danger that threatens their freedom and safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claims more than 3,000 lives in the US each year, with texting being the most alarming form of distraction. For motorcyclists, the combination of […]

Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you are injured by someone else’s negligence or intentional actions, you might be able to recover compensation for your injuries by filing an insurance claim against the at-fault party’s policy. Is filing a claim simple? Will you be awarded a fair amount? The unfortunate reality is that most personal injury cases are anything but simple, and […]

The Long-Term Consequences of a Juvenile DUI Conviction

Although Illinois has zero-tolerance policies regarding underage drinking or drug use and driving, teens and young adults under 21 frequently ignore them. Combined with inexperience, intoxication or impairments caused by drugs significantly increase the risk of teen drivers causing accidents. Being charged with a juvenile DUI can have severe consequences, especially if the underage driver injures or […]

How Can a Semi’s Black Box Help My IL Truck Accident Claim?

Preliminary data for 2023 report 6,402 truck crashes in Illinois, an average of 17 accidents every day. Truck collisions frequently produce significant property damage and catastrophic injuries, some resulting in fatalities. If you are injured in a truck accident, you may be eligible for compensation, but you need evidence proving the truck caused your crash. What is […]

Is Getting Compensation for Catastrophic Injuries Difficult?

Injury accidents happen every day in Illinois. These injuries may be minor, with the victim able to recover over time with appropriate medical care. On the other hand, catastrophic injuries are more severe, typically leaving victims in life-altering circumstances. Although many of these victims can obtain compensation, it is often an uphill battle to get a reasonable […]

Overview of Illinois Gun Laws

It can be difficult trying to understand the laws about gun ownership, particularly because they differ from state to state. States have different restrictions on who is allowed to own a gun, what specific guns they can own, and under what circumstances. This article will review gun ownership laws in Illinois. Of course, if you have specific […]