
Crest Hill DUI Defense Attorney

Drunk Driving Defense Attorney in Crest Hill Defending Your Rights

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that carries substantial consequences in Illinois. Following an arrest for drunk driving, you will need to understand the specific charges and the consequences of a conviction. You will also need to know the defenses that may be available to you. At Fotopoulos Law Office, we have extensive experience helping clients navigate the complexities of DUI cases. We can ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process, and we will help you determine your best options for defending against a conviction. We will also help you take steps to limit the effects of a DUI arrest on your life.

Critical Issues in DUI Cases

DUI cases hinge on specific details related to traffic stops and arrest procedures. Fotopoulos Law Office can provide guidance on how to address issues such as:

  • Circumstances surrounding the traffic stop: Police officers must have a valid reason, or "reasonable suspicion," to stop a vehicle. If a traffic stop was made without reasonable suspicion, it could render any evidence gathered during the stop inadmissible in court. Fotopoulos Law Office meticulously reviews the circumstances of each traffic stop to ensure that your constitutional rights were not violated.
  • Field sobriety test procedures: To gather information about a person's potential level of intoxication, officers will often ask drivers to perform certain physical tests at the side of the road. These tests must be conducted according to strict procedural guidelines. Fotopoulos Law Office can review dash cam and body cam footage to determine whether field sobriety tests were performed correctly, and we can also identify factors that could have influenced these tests, such as harsh weather, uneven surfaces, or physical issues that affected your balance and coordination. We will identify any procedural mistakes or other reasons why these tests may be challenged during your case.
  • Chemical testing and consent: Illinois law requires drivers to submit to chemical testing if they are arrested for DUI. If a breath, blood, or urine test shows that you were above the legal limit for alcohol or marijuana or that you had been using illegal controlled substances, you may be charged with DUI. The failure of a chemical test or a refusal to submit to testing will also result in an automatic driver's license suspension. Fotopoulos Law Office can identify any reasons that the results of a chemical test may be challenged, such as improper calibration of devices or mishandling of blood or urine samples.

Penalties for DUI Convictions

The penalties for DUI in Illinois can vary depending on several factors, including whether the offense is a first-time or repeat violation:

  • First-time DUI: If you do not have any previous DUI convictions, you will usually face Class A misdemeanor charges. If you are convicted, you may face up to one year in jail, fines up to $2,500, and a minimum license revocation of one year.
  • Repeat DUI: A second DUI or any subsequent DUI arrests will typically result in more serious penalties, and in these cases, you may not qualify for community supervision or diversion programs.
  • Felony DUI: You may be charged with aggravated DUI if you have at least two previous DUI convictions or if your case involved circumstances such as an accident resulting in injury or death, a minor passenger in your vehicle, or a suspended license. A felony conviction may result in a prison sentence lasting for multiple years, up to $25,000 in fines, and the revocation of your driver's license for 10 years or life.

Regaining Your Driving Privileges After a DUI

A DUI arrest or conviction may result in the suspension or revocation of your driver's license. While this can cause a great deal of difficulty in your life, you may have options for regaining your driving privileges, including:

  • Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP): Following a first-time DUI, you may be eligible for an MDDP, which will allow you to drive legally as long as your vehicle is equipped with a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID).
  • Restricted Driving Permit (RDP): After a second or subsequent DUI or other circumstances that led to a license revocation, you may request a "hardship permit" by showing that you need to be able to drive in order to work or manage family responsibilities. An RDP may allow you to drive while abiding by certain restrictions, such as only driving during certain times and for specific purposes. You will also be required to install a BAIID in your vehicle.

Contact Our Crest Hill DUI Defense Lawyer

While accusations of drunk driving can be frightening, you do not have to face DUI charges alone. At Fotopoulos Law Office, we can provide you with a strong defense that will help minimize the long-term impact of a DUI charge on your life. Contact us at 708-942-8400 to arrange a free consultation, explore your legal options, and begin working towards a positive resolution to your case.

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