
Homer Glen Criminal Defense Lawyer

Skilled Attorney Providing Criminal Defense Representation in Homer Glen, IL

When you are facing criminal charges, it is essential to have a dedicated, experienced attorney on your side to help you navigate the complexities of criminal law. Fotopoulos Law Office provides comprehensive criminal defense services, tackling cases from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies and developing rigorous defense strategies designed to protect our clients' rights and help them achieve the best possible outcomes to their cases.

Drug Crimes Defense

Drug-related offenses can involve both state and federal laws, and unfortunately, the people who face drug charges often struggle with addiction. Defendants in these cases may have options that will allow them to avoid convictions and receive treatment that will help them avoid criminal activity in the future. An experienced attorney can advocate for diversion programs that allow for probation and drug treatment, or they can help take steps to secure an acquittal or have charges dismissed. Fotopoulos Law Office handles a variety of drug crime cases, including:

  • Drug possession: Being found in possession of controlled substances can lead to serious charges, depending on the type and amount of drugs in question. Defenses may involve questioning the legality of the search and seizure that led to the discovery of drugs or challenging the ownership or knowledge of the drugs.
  • Drug distribution and trafficking: Accusations of selling or distributing controlled substances to others are more serious than cases involving "simple" possession. Charges of trafficking controlled substances across state lines or international borders may result in federal drug charges, which carry especially severe penalties. In these cases, Fotopoulos Law Office can work to dismantle the prosecution's arguments by challenging how evidence was obtained or proving a lack of intent to distribute.
  • Drug manufacturing: Cultivating, synthesizing, processing, or packaging controlled substances all fall under the general umbrella of "manufacturing." These offenses are often treated harshly, with penalties similar to or more severe than those that would apply for distributing controlled substances. Defense strategies may include challenging the factual basis of the accusations or procedural errors made during an investigation.

Violent Crimes Defense

Violent crimes carry some especially harsh penalties under the law, and accusations can also damage a person's reputation and career. Fotopoulos Law Office provides legal representation in multiple types of cases involving violent offenses, including:

  • Assault and battery: From simple assault to aggravated battery, these cases often hinge on the circumstances of the incident, including whether an alleged victim suffered physical injuries or feared that they would be harmed. Defenses may focus on self-defense, defense of others, or disputing the facts presented by the prosecution.
  • Domestic violence: Accusations of abuse or other forms of violence against family members can be very serious, and they can have lasting effects on personal relationships and living situations. Fotopoulos Law Office approaches these cases with sensitivity while developing strong defense strategies focused on the protecting rights and reputation of the accused.
  • Robbery: Taking money or property from someone by threatening to use force, inflicting injuries, or displaying a deadly weapon can lead to serious criminal charges and severe penalties. We work to help defend against these charges by challenging the evidence or the testimony of alleged victims or witnesses.
  • Arson: Accusations of intentionally destroying property using fires or explosions can be classified as violent crimes if they involved harm to a building's occupants. Fotopoulos Law Office can review the evidence in these cases to build a strong defense.
  • Murder: Some of the most serious criminal charges will involve accusations of intentionally killing someone. We work to protect the rights of defendants in these situations and help them resolve their cases successfully.

Weapons Charges Defense

Illinois has strict laws that address firearms and other weapons. Our attorney can help defend against multiple types of weapons charges, including:

  • Unlawful use of a weapon: This can include carrying a weapon without a valid license or using a weapon in a manner that is illegal. The defense often involves proving lawful intent or ownership.
  • Reckless discharge of a firearm: This charge involves firing a weapon without regard for the safety of others. Defenses may focus on the intent and circumstances of the incident.
  • Illegal possession of a firearm: Certain people, such as convicted felons are prohibited from owning or possessing firearms. Fotopoulos Law Office works to challenge weapons possession charges based on the specifics of a case.

Other Criminal Cases

Fotopoulos Law Office is also experienced in managing a range of other criminal matters, including:

  • Sexual assault: We work to defend clients against these serious allegations by scrutinizing the evidence and questioning the credibility of an alleged victim's claims.
  • DUI: For those who have been accused of drunk driving, we can help challenge the reasons for a traffic stop or contest the results of blood alcohol content tests, working to prevent a DUI conviction.
  • Juvenile crimes: Special considerations are needed for younger defendants who are charged with crimes. We focus on finding solutions that allow for rehabilitation rather than punishment.
  • Traffic violations: Even minor infractions can have major consequences, and we can provide legal representation to help minimize penalties that may affect a person's driver's license.

Contact Our Homer Glen, IL Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you are facing criminal charges, navigating the legal system can be overwhelming. When you receive representation from Fotopoulos Law Office, you can be confident that you will have a strong legal advocate on your side who will uphold your rights. Contact us today at 708-942-8400 to arrange a complimentary consultation.

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